lördag 5 november 2016

Army of the snake god

"By the will oof the old ones,
we will decend from the stars and fall upon the warmbloods.
like the summer rain , we shall wash there filt away and reclaim ouer lands.
we shall  destroy them in coold blood"

som lovat här kommer lite figur porr.
detta är armen som jag tänkt spela med på qfa

warlord 260p (Tor-nac the totem warrior)
spear of stamped 80p, starfal shard 70p, Divine icon 40 p, alpha carnosaur 520 p. 970p

 veteran 180 p (Loq-tar)
lance 30p, talisman of supream shielding 100p, bsb 50p shield 10p carnosaur 260p. light armor30p,  650p
Skink priest 130p (Slez, Tamer of beasts)
1 extra spel l50p (Shamanism)  dispel scroll 100p 280

skink priest 130p (kok mou, Herald of the snake god)  180
1 estra spell 50p (shamanism)

skink captain 80p (Zascas the strider)
alpha petradon  100p, shield 4p, serpent bow 60p 264p
dragonfire gem 20p

30 saurian warriors 610p
fc 60p , spears 90p  totem anima : serpent 60p,  820p

15 skink braves   180p. 225p
bows 45p

 8 chamelions  200p

7 chamelions 180p

1 tyroskutus 250p
altar of the snake god 30p 280p

 3 pteradon sentries 210 p

2 weapond beasts 240p
spear backs

Saurian Warlord
Saurian Veteran med bsb
2 Skink priests

skink capten med serpent bow

 Pteradon sentinals
saurian warriors med totem animal :serpent
weapnd beasts
Tyroskutus med altar of the snake god
8 chamelion skinks
7 chamelion skinks
15 skink braves med bågar

(markörer för Totemic summoning) 6 trollformeln i Shamanism

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